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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- canonical, canopy, cantankerous, canteen, canticle, canton, canvas, canyon, cap, capa, capability, capable, capacious, capacity, caparison, cape, caper, capital, capitalise


- noun
- capa

EN The old-fashioned among the men wear knee-breeches of brown pana, open at the knee to show the snow-white lino beneath, leggings of cloth (but also gaiters of reeds or rough white woollen stockings), a red or white waistcoat --usually it is scarlet, with silver buttons-- the montera, a rather shapeless, Irish-looking hat of cloth, often of an orange-tawny hue, and the rough capa of brown cloth with a cape over the shoulders: the cape, also seen in the peasants' cloaks in Portugal, is perhaps derived from the succession of layers of the capa of straw or reeds still worn by the peasants in rainy weather.
GL Os homes que manteñen a moda vella levan calzóns de pana castaña, abertos no xeonllo para amosa-lo liño branco coma a neve que se leva debaixo, polainas de pano (pero tamén polainas de xuncos ou escarpíns de la branca e basta), un chaleco vermello ou branco --normalmente é escarlata con botóns prateados--, a monteira, un chapeu de pano máis ben sen forma, semellante ó dos irlandeses, a miúdo cun ton laranxa tostado, e a capa basta de pano castaño cunha esclavina por riba dos ombreiros. A esclavina, que tamén se ve nas capas dos campesiños portugueses, deriva quizais da sucesión dos distintos recubrimentos da capa de palla ou xuncos que aínda levan os campesiños cando chove.
- Fonte: GAL (178)