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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- canvas, canyon, cap, capa, capability, capable, capacious, capacity, caparison, cape, caper, capital, capitalise, capitalism, capitalist, capitalistic, capitol, capitulation, capon


- noun
- cabo

EN Why, papa, Captain Pratt went round Cape Horn, and Captain Smitherton doubled the Cape of Good Hope.
GL Papá, pero o capitán Pratt deu a volta ó cabo de Fornos e o capitán Smithterton ó de Boa Esperanza.
- Fonte: TRE (98)
- capa

EN A small market is held in the Calle de Elduayen: brown earthenware pots and jars, vegetables in heaps on the ground and a long line of reed coroças, straw-coloured, which, when worn over the head, with two capes reaching to the feet, give the wearer something of the look of a Red Indian; but if he is bending over his work in the fields the reeds rise up and he looks like a great bristling porcupine.
GL Celébrase un mercado na Rúa de Elduayen: potes de barro e xerras, verduras en moreas no chan e unha longa ringleira de corozas de xuncos, cor da palla, que, cando se colocan sobre a cabeza, con dúas capas que chegan ata os pés, dálle ó que a leva unha certa apariencia dun "pel vermella"; pero cando esa mesma persoa está dobrada traballando no campo os xuncos levántanse e danlle a fasquía dun porco espiño cheo de sedas.
- Fonte: GAL (1015)