transitive verb
EN No Irish peasant would treat a captured faery as did the man Campbell tells of.
GL De capturar un trasgo, ningún paisano irlandés o trataría como fixo aquel home do que fala Campbell.
Fonte: CEL (167)
EN In less benign circumstances, intangible cultural heritage has captured the world's attention when conflict over the practice of religions and the expression of ethnicities has turned violent.
GL En circunstancias menos apracibles, o patrimonio cultural inmaterial suscitou a atención mundial cando un conflicto sobre a práctica relixiosa e a afirmación étnica se tornou violento.
Fonte: C05 (143)
EN In Hinduism and Buddhism, human beings are captured in endless cycles of rebirth and reincarnation (karma-samsara).
GL No hinduísmo e o budismo, o ser humano está atrapado no ciclo sen fin do renacemento e a reencarnación (karmasamsara).
Fonte: C10 (995)
EN In other words, what the artist tries to do is not only capture the essence of something but amplify it in order to activate neural mechanisms more powerfully than the original object.
GL O artista non se contenta con capta-la esencia das cousas; procura acentuala para activar mellor os mecanismos das neuronas dos afeccionados á arte.
Fonte: C29 (1127)
EN The festival was cancelled for several years for fear of bombs and ambushes and because the curfew ruled out after-dark processions, but it bounced back in 1993, after the capture of the Shining Path's leader, Carlos Abimaël Guzmán, on September 12, 1992.
GL Interrompida durante varios anos polo temor ás bombas e ás emboscadas, e pola imposibilidade de celebrar procesións nocturnas debido ó toque de queda, esta festa non recobrou o seu esplendor ata 1993, trala captura do xefe de Sendero Luminoso, Abimael Guzmán, o 12 de setembro de 1992.
Fonte: C14 (773)
EN The old governor was in a towering passion when he heard of this insult to his flag and capture of his corporal.
GL O vello gobernador rabiou de carraxe ó que soubo do insulto á súa bandeira e mais do apresamento do cabo.
Fonte: ALH (42)