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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- caption, captious, captivate, captivating, captive, captivity, capture, Capuchin, Capulet, car, carafe, caravan, carbine, carbon, carbuncle, carcass, carcinogenic, card, cardboard


- automobile

- noun
- coche

EN The car ride was long, and it was late when they reached Esplanade Street.
GL O camiño en coche foi longo, e xa era tarde cando chegaron a Esplanade Street.
- Fonte: ESP (2074)
- vagón

EN A few courting couples would be packed together in a single car of the Wheel and revolve slowly above the city, surrounded by empty cars.
GL Varias parellas de namorados, xuntas nun vagón da nora, viaxaban lentamente sobre a vila, rodeados de vagóns desocupados.
- Fonte: TER (2033)
- automóbil

EN The rock was as large as a small motor car.
GL A rocha era tan larga coma un automóbil pequeno.
- Fonte: SEN (644)
- carro

EN Whenever the car drew up before a house he waited to catch a glimpse of a well scrubbed kitchen or of a softly lighted hall and to see how the servant would hold the jug and how she would close the door.
GL Cando o carro paraba diante dunha casa, el agardaba a apañar un lampexo dunha cociña ben fregada ou dun vestíbulo iluminado con suavidade e ver como a criada collía a xerra e cerraba a porta.
- Fonte: RET (1390)
- vehículo

EN Soon afterwards, when the patients launched a campaign to collect money for street children, the car became a sort of taxi service.
GL Pouco despois, os colifatos iniciaron unha campaña para recolectar doazóns para nenos da rúa e o vehículo converteuse nunha especie de unidade móbil.
- Fonte: C06 (67)
- auto

EN "But before I start looking for something for them," says Hamid, "I've got to find a new battery for the centre's car so I can go and buy bread for the children".
GL "Pero antes de inicia-las buscas", sinala o director, "teño que atopar unha nova batería para o auto co fin de ir mercar pan para os nenos".
- Fonte: C15 (1789)
.....--- car company
- concesionario

EN Your car company may remind you when you need a tune-up, but by tracking your mileage they will also know when to send you advertisements for a new car.
GL Por exemplo, o seu concesionario de automóbiles poderá lembrarlle que o seu coche necesita un control, pero se consulta a súa quilometraxe, saberá tamén cando enviarlle publicidade para que se decida a cambiar de vehículo.
- Fonte: C01 (1200)
.....--- car park
- aparcamento

EN But aside from a riveting view of the nearby car park, there was no sign of life.
GL Pero, á parte dunha preciosa vista do aparcamento veciño, non había ningún outro sinal de vida.
- Fonte: C07 (639)