EN He lay back and, tearing open the packet, placed the last cigarette on the window ledge and began to write out the stanzas of the villanelle in small neat letters on the rough cardboard surface.
GL Deitouse de novo e, rachando a cuberta do paquete, colocou o derradeiro cigarro no borde da fiestra e comezou a escribir as estrofas do vilancete, con caligrafía miúda e pulcra, no cartón rugoso do paquete.
Fonte: RET (4371)
EN This wind pressed his grey shirt against his chest so that he noticed --in this new mood of comprehension-- how the folds were stiff like cardboard, and unpleasant; noticed too how the frayed edges of his shorts were making an uncomfortable, pink area on the front of his thighs.
GL Este ventiño apegáballe a camisa gris ó colo e, así, gracias á súa nova maneira de pensar, decatouse de que as enrugas da prenda estaban tesas coma a cartolina e eran moi desagradables; tamén notou que os bordos luídos do pantalón lle estaban facendo unha incómoda e rosada rozadela na parte de diante das coxas.
Fonte: SEN (2104)