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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- cardboard, cardholder, cardiac, cardinal, cardio-vascular, cards, care, career, carefree, careful, carefully, carefulness, caregiver, careless, carelessly, carelessness, caress, caressing, caretaker


- adjective
- minucioso

EN I made a careful examination of the ground about the little lawn.
GL Fixen un exame minucioso do chan que rodeaba ó prado.
- Fonte: TEM (817)
- coidadoso

EN A careful investigation rendered it evident that she had revived within two days after her entombment; that her struggles within the coffin had caused it to fall from a ledge, or shelf to the floor, where it was so broken as to permit her escape.
GL Unha coidadosa investigación demostrou que ela revivira dous días despois de ser soterrada; e a súa loita no interior do cadaleito provocara que este caese da repisa ou andel ó chan, e ó escacha-lo féretro puido saír.
- Fonte: BUR (40)
- prudente

EN Of course, I told her we should have to wait a couple of years, till I could catch up on my salary; but she didn't mind that, only she hoped I would be as careful as possible in the matter of expenses, and not let them run the least risk of trenching on our third year's pay.
GL Por suposto, díxenlle que teriamos que esperar un par de anos ata que eu puidese percibi-lo meu soldo, pero a ela dáballe igual, o único que esperaba era que fose tan prudente como puidese no referente ós gastos, e que non permitise que estes nos fixesen corre-lo mínimo risco de socava-lo noso soldo do terceiro ano.
- Fonte: BIL (304)
- cauteloso

EN In their sternly restricted fact life they remained as of old --plodding, diligent, careful, practical, economical.
GL Na súa Vida Real, limitada con tanta dureza, continuaban sendo coma outrora: perseverantes, dilixentes, cautelosos, sensatos e aforradores.
- Fonte: LEG (463)
- precavido

EN I went on the Internet where I found a kind of underground Huntington's community --they told me about the genetic test for the disease but warned me to be careful.
GL Metinme en Internet e encontrei un foro sobre a doenza de Huntington onde me informaron da posibilidade de someterme a un test xenético para detectar se a padecía e recomendáronme que fose precavida.
- Fonte: C07 (360)
.....--- to be careful
- ter coidado

EN Men should be more careful; this very celibacy leads weaker vessels astray.
GL Os homes deberían ter coidado; o celibato leva os caracteres máis débiles polo mal camiño.
- Fonte: ERN (931)
- coidar

EN The many peasants who go in their lifetime are careful not to step on ants or other insects, as they may be souls journeying to the shrine after death.
GL Os campesiños que van en vida coidan non tripar nas formigas ou noutros insectos, porque poden ser almas que viaxan ó santuario despois da morte.
- Fonte: GAL (137)