EN When he had soothed it by his caresses, he put it in a golden cage, and offered it, with his own hands, the whitest and finest of wheat and the purest of water.
GL En que a el acougara coas súas caricias, púxoa nunha gaiola de ouro e ofreceulle nas propias mans o máis branco e requintado dos trigos e a máis pura das augas.
Fonte: ALH (447)
EN But in the very lull of this loving caress, as the long stroke leant upon the bed, the rock was rent asunder; another fold of the shawl loosened; there it hung, and swayed.
GL Pero nun dos intervalos dese doce agarimo, cando a longa raiola subía pola cama, a rocha fíxose anacos: soltouse outra prega do chal e colgou, oscilando.
Fonte: CAR (2022)
EN Stephen passed out on to the wide platform above the steps and was conscious of the caress of mild evening air.
GL Stephen saíu para o amplo descanso que dominaba a escaleira e sentiu o aloumiño do suave aire da noitiña.
Fonte: RET (3191)
transitive verb
EN He sat very upright, threw out his chest, caressed his moustache and spoke in the manner of a practised speaker addressing a public meeting.
GL Incorporouse no seu asento, ben erguido, sacou peito, acariñou o bigote e falou como o faría un experimentado conferenciante ante o público dunha reunión.
Fonte: ASA (4948)
EN Sometimes, when they woke out of these silences they had a dim and transient consciousness that something had happened to their minds; then with a dumb and yearning solicitude they would softly caress each other's hands in mutual compassion and support, as if they would say: "I am near you, I will not forsake you, we will bear it together; somewhere there is release and forgetfulness, somewhere there is a grave and peace; be patient, it will not be long".
GL Algunhas veces, cando espertaban destes silencios, tiñan conciencia confusa e transitoria de que algo lles ocorrera ás súas mentes e, despois, cunha solicitude estúpida e tenra, acariciábanse as mans un ó outro con dozura, por compaixón e apoio mutuos, como dicindo "estou ó teu lado e non te abandonarei, soportarémolo xuntos, nalgún lugar ten que haber liberdade e esquecemento, nalgún sitio haberá unha tumba e paz; ten paciencia, non pode estar moi lonxe".
Fonte: LEG (673)
EN Then his tongue caressed them, cleansed them, drew them out, spun them, rinsed them and delivered them to the gathering, purged of all anguish and poison.
GL Logo a súa lingua fretounos, lavounos, estirounos, fiounos, enxugounos e entregóullelos así á concorrencia, limpos de toda dor e de todo veleno.
Fonte: C09 (636)