EN Stephen, who had been listening to the unspoken speech behind the words, said with assumed carelessness: --Pascal, if I remember rightly, would not suffer his mother to kiss him as he feared the contact of her sex.
GL Stephen, que estivera escoitando o discurso mudo que había detrás das palabras, dixo con afectado descoido: --Pascal, se recordo ben, non aturaba que a súa nai o bicase por medo ao contacto co seu sexo.
Fonte: RET (4899)
EN If left to himself, he would have whistled life away in perfect contentment; but his wife kept continually dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family.
GL Se por el fose, xa se tería esquecido da vida, e tan contento; mais a dona non deixaba de incharlle as orellas reprochándolle a súa nugalla, a súa total despreocupación e maila ruína que el estaba a traerlle á familia.
Fonte: RIP (39)
EN 'As you said, M. Poirot,' put in the doctor, 'two clues is too much carelessness'.
GL Tal e como vostede xa dixo, Monsieur Poirot --interveu o doutor--, que haxa dúas pistas implica un grao demasiado alto de desleixo.
Fonte: ASA (4798)