transitive verb
PAST: caught. PART: caught |
EN Before the meal was served Poirot had caught the chief attendant by the sleeve and murmured something to him.
GL Antes de que se servise a cea, Poirot colleu o camareiro xefe pola manga e murmuroulle algo.
Fonte: ASA (5111)
EN A louse crawled over the nape of his neck and, putting his thumb and forefinger deftly beneath his loose collar, he caught it.
GL Un piollo andaba a arrastrarse pola súa caluga, e metendo destramente o polgar e o furabolos no colar frouxo apañouno.
Fonte: RET (4686)
EN Her arm was up to throw when he leaped at her and caught her arm and wrenched the pearl from her.
GL O seu brazo estaba levantado como para lanzar algo cando el a acadou e llo agarrou con forza arrincándolle a perla.
Fonte: PER (1028)
EN When I realized this, I hurriedly slipped off my clothes, and, wading in at a point lower down, I caught the poor mite and drew her safe to land.
GL Cando me decatei desto, saquei rapidamente a roupa e, lanzándome na auga un pouco máis abaixo de onde estaba, atrapei á pobre pequena e leveina sa e salva a terra.
Fonte: TEM (936)
EN Sometimes she strayed in from the garden purposely to catch them at it.
GL Ás veces, viña do xardín co exclusivo propósito de sorprendelos cun tema.
Fonte: CAR (3007)
EN Not that they would've killed me or anything if they'd caught me home, but it would've been very unpleasant and all.
GL Non é que me fosen matar nin nada se me pillaban na casa, pero ía ser moi desagradable.
Fonte: VIX (5869)
EN Many of the servants of the Province-House had caught glimpses of a visage frowning down upon them, at morning or evening twilight,--or in the depths of night, while raking up the fire that glimmered on the hearth beneath; although, if any were bold enough to hold a torch before the picture, it would appear as black and undistinguishable as ever.
GL Moitos dos serventes da Casa da Provincia notaran miradas de aspecto torvo sobre eles polo luscofusco do abrente ou do serán, ou no medio da noite, encanto escallaban o lume que refulxía na cheminea de debaixo; contodo, se algún era bastante afouto para soster unha tea diante da pintura, aparecía tan negra e indistinguíbel como sempre.
Fonte: EDW (43)
EN He caught a kelpie, and tied her behind him on his horse.
GL Capturou unha egua acuática e atouna aos cuartos traseiros do seu cabalo.
Fonte: CEL (168)
EN A great uproar was raised, but he was unsuspected; while Dub, an awkward blunderer who was always getting caught, was punished for Buck's misdeed.
GL Houbo grande rebumbio, pero ninguén sospeitou del. Castigaron en troques a Dub, un torpe ladroeiro a quen sempre cachaban roubando.
Fonte: CHA (334)
..... to catch oneself
EN Catching myself at that, I took my own hint, and spreading myself out upon the turf I had a long and refreshing sleep.
GL Ó decatarme, decidín descansar; e, deitándome sobre o prado, durmín un sono longo e refrescante.
Fonte: TEM (1719)
EN It's a grand catch, Aleck.
GL Éche unha captura importante, Aleck.
Fonte: LEG (564)