EN The ICC Treaty represents one of the most monumental advances in the rule of law in international affairs since the adoption of the Charter founding the United Nations.
GL O tratado que establece a Corte Penal Internacional constitúe un dos progresos máis extraordinarios en materia de dereito internacional desde a adopción da Carta fundadora das Nacións Unidas.
Fonte: C01 (337)
EN "Of that Edward Randolph," exclaimed Captain Lincoln, "who obtained the repeal of the first provincial charter, under which our forefathers had enjoyed almost democratic privileges!
GL -Daquel Edward Randolph -exclamou o capitán Lincoln- que conseguiu a anulación do primeiro estatuto provincial, baixo o que os nosos devanceiros gozaran de privilexios case democráticos!
Fonte: EDW (55)
EN We founded the Mandeka in 1997, at the same time as France was deporting charter plane loads of Malian and Senegalese immigrants every day.
GL Creámo-lo Mandeka en 1997, na época en que Francia "devolvía á fronteira" tódolos días a malianos e senegaleses por voos chárter enteiros.
Fonte: C28 (1417)
transitive verb
EN A well-heeled traveller wishing to visit the Khumbu or Mustang areas of Himalayan Nepal, for example, can now charter a helicopter to do so, reducing his travelling time from several weeks to a few hours.
GL O viaxeiro con recursos ecómicos que quere visitar Khumbu ou Mustang, no Nepal himalaio, pode agora fretar un helicóptero para chegar a eses lugares en poucas horas, evitando así varias semanas de viaxe.
Fonte: C12 (168)