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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- childbirth, childcare, childhood, childish, childishly, childless, childlike, Chile, Chilean, chill, chilliness, chilling, chilly, chime, chimera, chimney, chimneyless, chimpanzee, chin


- noun
- friaxe

EN And Kino said, "Go with God," and did not even look up, for the words had a strange chill in them.
GL E Kino dixo: -E ti tamén -e nin sequera alzou a vista, pois as palabras tiveran unha estraña friaxe.
- Fonte: PER (944)
- calafrío

EN And though he trembled with cold and fright to think of the cruel long nails and of the high whistling sound of the cane and of the chill you felt at the end of your shirt when you undressed yourself yet he felt a feeling of queer quiet pleasure inside him to think of the white fattish hands, clean and strong and gentle.
GL E aínda que el tremía de frío e arrepío ao coidar nas uñas longas e crueis e no son asubiante e agudo da vara e no calafrío que un sentía nas abas da camisa cando un se espía, aínda así notaba un sentimento de pracer tranquilo e raro dentro del cando pensaba nas mans brancas e bochas, limpas, fortes e xentís.
- Fonte: RET (1028)
- arrefriado

EN My poor brother Ernest to carried off suddenly, in Paris, by a severe chill.
GL O meu pobre irmán Ernest morreu de súpeto en París dun forte arrefriado.
- Fonte: ERN (622)
- frialdade

EN She had lived --who could say now with what passion?-- since she had loved him for himself; whereas he had never thought of her (ah how it hugely glared at him!) but in the chill of his egotism and the light of her use.
GL Ela vivira --quen podía dicir agora con canta paixón?-- porque o amara por si mesmo; mentres que el nunca pensara nela (¡ah, que inmensamente claro estaba!) salvo coa frialdade do seu egotismo e á luz do seu propio proveito.
- Fonte: BES (875)

- adjective
- frío

EN I moved on a hundred years, and there was the same red sun-a little larger, a little duller-the same dying sea, the same chill air, and the same crowd of earthy crustacea creeping in and out among the green weed and the red rocks.
GL Avancei cen anos, e alí estaba o mesmo Sol vermello (un pouco máis grande, un pouco máis apagado), o mesmo mar agoniante, o mesmo aire frío, e a mesma multitude de crustáceos terrestres arrastrándose entre as plantas verdes e as rochas vermellas.
- Fonte: TEM (1815)
- xélido

EN He thought it odd, and with a little perfunctory shiver, as if in deference to a seasonal presumption that the night was chill, he lay down again and went to sleep.
GL Considerouno estraño e, cun pequeno e espontáneo estremecemento, como en sinal de respecto a unha presunción de que nesa época do ano a noite ía ser xélida, deitouse de novo e volveu durmir.
- Fonte: HAL (21)

- transitive verb
- arrefriar

EN First, the pulse of colour flooded the bay with blue, and the heart expanded with it and the body swam, only the next instant to be checked and chilled by the prickly blackness on the ruffled waves.
GL Primeiro, a vibración da cor asolagaba a badía de azul, e o corazón espallábase nela, e o corpo nadaba, para, no instante seguinte, deterse e arrefriar por causa da negrura encrespada das ondas rizadas.
- Fonte: CAR (196)
- poñer a pel de galiña

EN "Likely as not it was Sunday," she laughed; "and I was running away from prayers, from the Presbyterian service, read in a spirit of gloom by my father that chills me yet to think of".
GL Probablemente fose domingo --proseguiu rindo--, e eu fuxía dos rezos do servicio presbiteriano que meu pai lía de xeito tan tétrico que, inda hoxe, se me pon a pel de galiña ó recordalo.
- Fonte: ESP (386)
- conxelar

EN She felt chilled and pinched as she entered the room.
GL Estaba conxelada e esvaecida cando entrou no cuarto.
- Fonte: ESP (2192)