EN She had a chubby child in her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry.
GL Levaba un neno regordete nos brazos que, asustado polo aspecto de Rip, rompeu a chorar.
Fonte: RIP (190)
EN With the other chubby fist he rubbed his eyes, which were heavy with sleep and ill humor.
GL Coa outra man regordecha, fregaba os ollos, cargados co sono e co mal humor.
Fonte: ESP (1067)
EN This won't lead to a Hollywoodesque scenario of a nation dominated by chubby blond cherubs with blue eyes.
GL O risco non estriba tanto nunha nación dominada por querubíns gordechos, louros e de ollos azuis.
Fonte: C18 (343)