EN He felt the creeping of fate, the circling of wolves, the hover of vultures.
GL Sentía o peso do destino, o cerco dos lobos e o cernerse dos voitres.
Fonte: PER (842)
EN The mirth, which in the beginning of the evening had seemed to him false and trivial, was like a soothing air to him, passing gaily by his senses, hiding from other eyes the feverish agitation of his blood while through the circling of the dancers and amid the music and laughter her glance travelled to his corner, flattering, taunting, searching, exciting his heart.
GL Esa ledicia, que ao principio da noitiña lle semellara tan falsa e trivial, agora era como un aire acariciador que pasase alegremente polos seus sentidos e agachase dos demais ollos a febril axitación do seu sangue, mentres, a través do circo dos danzaríns e no medio da música e das risadas, a ollada dela viaxaba cara ao seu curruncho afagando, provocando, procurando, excitando o seu corazón.
Fonte: RET (1465)
EN It is a memorable thing to hear him play the beautiful alborada (dawn-song), the swift muiñeira or the even more lively riveirana (which is a kind of muiñeira), or to listen to the excellent voices of the Ruada choir at Orense, and watch two of them dance the muiñeira, with its endless circling rhythm, its mimic escape and pursuit and the rapid gestures --that is the only word-- of the feet.
GL É algo memorable escoitalo a toca-la preciosa alborada, a bulingueira muiñeira, ou incluso a ribeirana, máis viva (é un tipo de muiñeira), ou escoita-las voces excelentes da Coral de Ruada en Ourense, e ver unha parella bailando a muiñeira co seu interminable ritmo circular, a súa fuxida e persecución mímicas e os rápidos xestos, é a mellor definición, dos pés.
Fonte: GAL (154)
EN And beyond that fire, in the circling darkness, Buck could see many gleaming coals, two by two, always two by two, which he knew to be the eyes of great beasts of prey.
GL Buck enxergaba a través da fogueira, entre a escuridade circundante, unhas faíscas aparelladas de dúas en dúas: os ollos das grandes feras depredadoras.
Fonte: CHA (765)