EN (...) we may imagine therefore that after his limbs had felt the cheerful return of circulation, and after he had refreshed himself with such of earth's products as from all analogy he never could have hoped to live to eat, after he had been told from what peril he had been rescued, and said a prayer thereon which even appeared enormously long to Dr. Hotham --we may imagine, we say, that his first question would be: "If any news had arrived lately from England?".
GL Polo tanto, imaxinamos que, en canto sentise o xubiloso retorno da circulación ós seus membros, en canto se refrescase con alimentos que nunca pensaría poder vivir para comer, en canto o informasen do perigo do que o rescataran e comezase a rezar unha oración extremadamente longa incluso para o doutor Hotham, dicíamos que imaxinamos que a súa primeira pregunta sería: --Hai algunha nova de Inglaterra?
Fonte: DOD (39)
EN The increase of newspaper circulation has been very modest, however, doubling in just under 30 years, including in the least developed countries.
GL O aumento da tiraxe dos xornais é sumamente modesto: unha duplicación en algo menos de trinta anos, mesmo nos países menos desenvolvidos.
Fonte: C19 (65)