EN Nevertheless, I mean to invert this order; and for the following reason: all that part of the means, which are so entirely determined by the end as to presuppose its full and circumstantial development, may be concluded specially restricted to that individual end; in proportion to this restriction they will, therefore, be of narrow application, and are best treated in direct connection and concurrently with the object to which they are thus appropriated.
GL Sen embargo, teño a intención de inverter esta orden, e pola seguinte razón: toda esa parte dos medios, que están tan determinados polo fin para presumi-lo seu desenvolvemento completo e circunstancial, pódese concluír que están especialmente restrinxidos a ese fin individual. Proporcionalmente a esta restricción serán, en consecuencia, de aplicación estreita, e trataranse mellor en conexión directa, e concorrentemente co obxecto ó que están deste xeito adecuados.
Fonte: LET (125)