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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- comply, component, compose, composer, composite, composition, compositor, compost, composure, compound, comprehend, comprehensible, comprehension, comprehensive, comprehensively, compress, comprise, compromise, compromising


- adjective
- composto

EN If a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back, the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune?
GL Se un home roubara unha libra na súa mocidade utilizándoa para amasar unha gran fortuna, ¿canto estaba obrigado a devolver, a libra que roubara, soamente, ou a libra cos xuros compostos, ou ben toda a súa gran fortuna?
- Fonte: RET (2191)

- noun
- composto

EN The increasing range and concentration of many POPs in Antarctica is a sobering reminder of how far these damaging compounds can spread outside our control and how little we can do about it.
GL O feito de que moitos COP estean presentes na Antártida con taxas de concentración crecentes demostra que eses compostos perigosos se espallan rapidamente e sen control e tamén que non se poden facer moito para evitalo.
- Fonte: C20 (803)
- mestura

EN Hating his father, James brushed away the tickling spray with which in a manner peculiar to him, compound of severity and humour, he teased his youngest son's bare leg.
GL Odiando ó seu pai, James esquivou aquela orballada de cóxegas que, co seu peculiar xeito, mestura de severidade e humor, el aplicaba á perna espida do seu fillo máis noviño.
- Fonte: CAR (353)
- síntese

EN His books, in which narrative and essays, poetry and reportage all mingle, assemble voices from people's souls and the streets to form a compound of reality and reminiscence.
GL Os seus libros, onde conflúen a narración e o ensaio, a poesía e a crónica, recollen as voces da alma e da rúa e ofrecen unha síntese da realidade e a súa memoria.
- Fonte: C30 (1532)

- transitive verb
- agravar

EN "Heritage" and "intangible" just compound the difficulty.
GL A súa asociación con "patrimonio" e "inmaterial" agravou o problema.
- Fonte: C05 (1033)