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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- crave, craving, crawl, crayfish, crayon, craziness, crazy, creak, creaking, cream, creamy, crease, create, creation, creationist, creative, creatively, creativity, creator


- noun
- crema

EN The train was full of fellows: a long long chocolate train with cream facings.
GL O tren ía cheo de rapaces: un tren de chocolate longo, longo, con paramentos de crema.
- Fonte: RET (355)
- nata

EN Together with bowls of milk and cream, all mingled higgledy-piggledly, pretty much as I have enumerated them, with the motherly tea-pot sending up its clouds of vapor from the midst.
GL Xunto con cuncas de leite e de nata, todo mesturado sen orde ningún, máis ou menos como eu o fun enumerando, coa maternal teteira no medio de todo, expulsando as súas nubes de vapor.
- Fonte: LEN (185)
- tona

EN "I have had a letter from your friend," she remarked, as she poured a little cream into Edna's cup and handed it to her.
GL --Recibín unha carta do seu amigo --observou, mentres vertía un pouco de tona na cunca de Edna e lla entregaba.
- Fonte: ESP (1712)
- clase alta

EN Deprived of an income following the death of his father, an industrialist, his mother opened up a sewing workshop patronized by the cream of São Paolo society.
GL Tralo finamento do pai, industrial, a familia pasou por dificultades económicas, polo que a nai abriu un obradoiro de costura onde a clase alta de Brasil se falla confecciona-la roupa.
- Fonte: C21 (1427)

- adjective
- crema

EN The kerchiefs of the women are chiefly white, cream or gold, their dresses of much-washed purple, blue or green.
GL Os panos das mulleres son principalmente brancos, cor crema ou dourados, os vestidos dun púrpura esvaído, azul ou verde.
- Fonte: GAL (952)