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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- crescendo, crescent, cress, crest, crestfallen, crest-fallen, Crete, cretin, crevice, crew, crib, cribbage, crick, cricket, cricketer, crime, Crimean, criminal, criminality


- noun
- compañía

EN Even to this day they never hear a thunderstorm of a summer afternoon about the Kaatskill, but they say Hendrick Hudson and his crew are at their game of nine-pins.
GL Mesmo hoxe en día, cando xa non se escoitan tronos nas tardes de verán sobre as Kaatskill, eles seguen afirmando que Hendrick Hudson e maila súa compañía están a xogar ós bolos.
- Fonte: RIP (233)
- tripulación

EN In co-operation with the Royal Air Force and British commercial airlines, Rolfe reconstructed the circumstances in which accidents occurred and created emergency situations which crews must learn to handle by following established procedures without being led astray by snap judgments.
GL En colaboración co exército do aire e con compañías aéreas británicas, reconstruía as circunstancias de certos accidentes para crear situacións de emerxencia, ante as cales a tripulación debe aprender a reaccionar segundo procedementos preestablecidos, sen ceder ós seus reflexos primarios.
- Fonte: C14 (1019)
- tripulante

EN The men who shook me were the crew of the sloop, and some laborers engaged to unload it.
GL Os homes que me sacudiran eran os tripulantes da chalupa e algúns xornaleiros contratados para descargala.
- Fonte: BUR (246)
- equipo

EN Crews of four (with a graduate student supervisor) photograph and map artefacts, draw stratigraphy, excavate and wash, sort and catalogue artefacts.
GL En equipos de catro persoas (dirixidas por un estudiante diplomado), exhuman, lavan, clasifican, catalogan e fotografan os obxectos arqueolóxicos.
- Fonte: C12 (447)