transitive verb
PAST: cut; PART: cut |
EN A gleaming granite road cuts through pinewoods and purple moorland.
GL Unha estrada de granito relucente corta a través dos piñeirais e a gándara.
Fonte: GAL (807)
..... to cut down
EN So he cut down even the orthodox ration and tried to increase the day's travel.
GL Así que o que decidiu foi reduci-la ración habitual e alonga-la distancia de cada etapa.
Fonte: CHA (993)
..... to cut off
EN These villages are practically cut off from all commumication except by sea, and are scarcely to be found marked on any map.
GL Estas aldeas están practicamente illadas de calquera vía de comunicación a non se-lo mar, e só nalgúns casos están sinaladas nun mapa.
Fonte: GAL (735)
..... to cut up
EN To add to the chagrin of Aben Habuz, the neighbors whom he had defied and taunted, and cut up at his leisure while master of the talismanic horseman, finding him no longer protected by magic spell, made inroads into his territories from all sides, and the remainder of the life of the most pacific of monarchs was a tissue of turmoils.
GL Para amedra-la mágoa de Aben Habuz, os veciños que encirrara e escarnira e mais esnaquizara ó seu lecer, mentres era dono do talismánico xinete, sabéndoo xa non defendido por esconxuro máxico ningún, fixeron de xalundes incursións nos seus territorios, e o resto da vida do máis pacífico dos monarcas foi un tecido de tumultos.
Fonte: ALH (325)
EN Blood oozed down from his scalp and there was a long deep cut in his cheek from ear to chin, a deep, bleeding slash.
GL O sangue esvaráballe dende a cabeza, e na meixela tiña un longo e fondo corte que lle ía dende a orella ó barbarote nunha sanguenta e profunda tallada.
Fonte: PER (971)
EN Her mouth was still swollen where Kino had struck her, and big flies buzzed around the cut on her chin.
GL Tiña a boca aínda inchada onde Kino lle arreara e unhas grandes moscas voaban ó redor da ferida que lle fixera no bico.
Fonte: PER (1290)
..... crew cut
corte ao cepillo
EN I went to my room and put some water on my hair, but you can't really comb a crew cut or anything.
GL Fun ó cuarto e botei auga no cabelo, pero non hai maneira de peitealo estando cortado ó cepillo.
Fonte: VIX (2995)