EN On the edge of Tegucigalpa's huge city dump, needy people of all ages jostle for position whenever a garbage truck arrives.
GL Arredor do inmenso vertedoiro municipal da capital, pobres de tódalas idades bótanse ós camións de lixo cando estes chegan,
Fonte: C11 (545)
EN For years a case of "out of sight, out of mind", the dumping of so much waste in coastal waters is now starting to have an impact on health.
GL Practicado durante anos, o depósito de tantos detritos nas augas está comezando a repercutir na saúde.
Fonte: C18 (826)
transitive verb
EN Ralph trotted into the forest and returned with a wide spray of green which he dumped on the fire.
GL Ralph dirixiuse corricando á selva e volveu cun brazado de follaxe verde que botou no lume.
Fonte: SEN (4147)