amable, · amábel
EN He was at his kindest and most genial, setting the woman at her ease.
GL Comportouse do xeito máis amable e cordial que puido para facer que a muller se sentise cómoda.
Fonte: ASA (3613)
Fem: queen |
EN There was every kind of news in the paper: accidents, shipwrecks, sports, and politics.
GL No xornal viñan todo tipo de novas: accidentes, naufraxios, deportes e política.
Fonte: RET (505)
EN On the other hand, if a Galician leaves property in three kinds --wood, meadow, arable-- between his three sons, each will insist on having a third of each kind.
GL Pola contra, se un galego deixa a propiedade dividida en tres clases, poula, pradería e terras de cultivo para repartiren tres fillos, cada un deles ha querer un tercio de cada clase.
Fonte: GAL (70)
EN Steam launches arrive one after the other, laden with sardines, merluza (cod), red fanecas (whiting-pout) and many other kinds; a crowd of women, many of them with lighted candles, clean or examine the fish, and charcoal fires light up the faces of fishermen just returned from the sea and preparing to cook their evening meal.
GL Lanchas de vapor chegan unha tras da outra, ateigadas de sardiñas, pixota, fanecas vermellas e moitas outras especies. Unha multitude de mulleres, moitas delas con candeas acesas, limpan e examinan o peixe, e os lumes de carbón alumean as caras dos pescadores que acaban de chegar do mar e se dispoñen a prepara-la cea.
Fonte: GAL (946)