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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- kilowatt, kilt, kimono, kin, kind, kindergarten, kind-hearted, kindle, kindliness, kindly, kindness, kindred, kinetic, king, kingdom, kinship, kinsman, kinswoman, kiosk


- adverb
- amablemente, · amabelmente

EN Madame Ratignolle's sister, who had always been with her at such trying times, had not been able to come up from the plantation, and Adele had been inconsolable until Mrs. Pontellier so kindly promised to come to her.
GL A irmá de Madame Ratignolle, que sempre estivera ó seu lado en momentos tan difíciles, non puidera subir da plantación, e Adèle estivera inconsolable ata que a señora Pontellier, tan amablemente, prometeu acudir xunto a ela.
- Fonte: ESP (3099)
- con amabilidade

EN 'Do not distress yourself,' said the latter kindly.
GL --Non se preocupe --díxolle o outro con amabilidade.
- Fonte: ASA (1875)

- adjective
- bondadoso

EN The Englishman who objects to Americans in general usually carries in his mind's eye just such an exception as Cooler: a man with tousled grey hair and a worried kindly face and long-sighted eyes, the kind of humanitarian who turns up in a typhus epidemic or a world war or a Chinese famine long before his countrymen have discovered the place in an atlas.
GL Os ingleses, que non fan moitas migas cos americanos, tiñan feita unha excepción con Cooler: home de cabeleira encanecida e desleixada, rostro bondadoso, preocupado, observador, esa sorte de persoa caritativa que está presente nunha epidemia de tifus, nunha guerra mundial ou en tempos de necesidade na China moito antes de que os seus compatriotas busquen o lugar nun atlas.
- Fonte: TER (974)
- amable, · amábel

EN If you have the patience of angels and a burning love of your fellow-men you will find treasures of human interest and delight in the character of the peasants, whether your stay be among the kindly, hospitable people of the province of Orense and the highlands, or among the pleasant ingenious inhabitants of the coast districts.
GL Se se ten paciencia de anxos e un amor ardente polos semellantes, pódense atopar agradables tesouros de interese humano no carácter dos campesiños, tanto se se está entre as xentes amables e hospitalarias da provincia de Ourense ou das terras altas, coma entre os habitantes, agradables e inxeniosos, das zonas costeiras.
- Fonte: GAL (192)