EN Now they would sail on for hours like this, and Mr Ramsay would ask old Macalister a question -- about the great storm last winter probably -- and old Macalister would answer it, and they would puff their pipes together, and Macalister would take a tarry rope in his fingers, tying or untying some knot, and the boy would fish, and never say a word to anyone.
GL Agora ían navegar dese xeito durante horas, e o señor Ramsay habíalle facer unha pregunta ó vello Macalister -- probablemente sobre a gran treboada do inverno pasado -- e o vello Macalister habíalle contestar, e xuntos habían fumar nas súas pipas, e Macalister había coller un cabo alcatranado nas mans para facer ou desfacer algún nó, e o seu fillo había pescar sen lle dicir unha palabra a ninguén.
Fonte: CAR (2553)
EN A knot of police surrounded the covered stretcher which they lowered carefully down the steps for fear of sliding on the trodden snow.
GL Un grupo de policías rodeaba as angarellas, tapadas, que os homes baixaban con tento polas escaleiras: corrían o risco de esvarar na neve, xa pisoteada.
Fonte: TER (1235)
transitive verb
EN Three times he knotted her shoe; three times he unknoted it.
GL Atoulle o zapato a ela tres veces; e tres veces llo desatou.
Fonte: CAR (2393)