transitive verb
PAST: knew. PART: known |
EN Now I put it to you, ladies and gentlemen, that Mr Ratchett knew a good deal more than he told.
GL Pero eu estou seguro, damas e cabaleiros, de que Mister Ratchett sabía moito máis do que contou.
Fonte: ASA (5823)
EN It was like reading a good book again, for she knew the end of that story, since it had happened twenty years ago, and life, which shot down even from this dining-room table in cascades, heaven knows where, was sealed up there, and lay, like a lake, placidly between its banks.
GL Era como ler un bo libro por segunda vez, pois coñecía o remate daquela historia, xa había vinte anos que ocorrera, e a vida, que incluso se precipita a cachón desde esta mesa de comedor, e Deus sabe a onde vai parar, alí estaba precintada e, coma un lago, repousaba pracidamente entre a súas ribeiras.
Fonte: CAR (1424)