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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- louse, lousy, lovable, love, loveless, loveliness, lovely, lover, lovesick, loving, low, low-cast, low-cost, lower, low-income, low-intensity, low-interest, lowland, lowlander


- adjective
- doce

EN But in the very lull of this loving caress, as the long stroke leant upon the bed, the rock was rent asunder; another fold of the shawl loosened; there it hung, and swayed.
GL Pero nun dos intervalos dese doce agarimo, cando a longa raiola subía pola cama, a rocha fíxose anacos: soltouse outra prega do chal e colgou, oscilando.
- Fonte: CAR (2022)
- agarimoso

EN By degrees this loving disposition began to extend to inanimate objects; he had his favorite flowers, which he cherished with tender assiduity; then he became attached to various trees, and there was one in particular, of a graceful form and drooping foliage, on which he lavished his amorous devotion, carving his name on its bark, hanging garlands on its branches, and singing couplets in its praise, to the accompaniment of his lute.
GL A modiño, este xeito agarimoso principiou a se estender a obxectos inanimados; tiña flores favoritas ás que acariciaba con tenra asiduidade; despois foise afeccionando a varias árbores, habendo unha en particular, de forma graciosa e follame macia, na que prodigaba a súa devoción amorosa: gravando o seu nome na cortiza, pendurando grilandas nas pólas e entoando cantigas no seu loor coa compaña do laúde.
- Fonte: ALH (364)
- amoroso

EN Only the trees still remember these happy, sad or loving figures strolling beneath the dense canopy of foliage and needles.
GL Só as árbores se lembran aínda deses paseantes alegres, amorosos ou doentes, baixo a bóveda das follas e as ramas espiñentas.
- Fonte: C06 (1134)