adverb, adjective or pronoun
EN He didn't like the stabbing idea much, but he agreed that it did solve most of our difficulties.
GL Non lle gustaba moito a idea de acoitelar ninguén, pero acabou por recoñecer que así se resolverían moitas dificultades.
Fonte: ASA (6074)
..... as much
EN You never saw anybody nod as much in your life as old Spencer did.
GL Nunca houbo ninguén que movese tanto a testa coma o vello Spencer.
Fonte: VIX (205)
..... so much
EN He felt angry with himself that he had bothered so much about the right way of regarding Miss Daisy Miller.
GL Sentiuse anoxado consigo mesmo por preocuparse tanto pola forma correcta de considerar a Miss Daisy Miller.
Fonte: GAL (378)
..... too much
EN In writing it down I feel with only too much keenness the inadequacy of pen and ink --and, above all, my own inadequacy-- to express its quality.
GL Ó escribilo sinto con demasiada forza o pouco adecuados que son o bolígrafo e a tinta --e, sobre todo, o pouco adecuado que podo ser eu-- para expresa-la súa calidade.
Fonte: TEM (391)
de máis
EN She sighed; there was too much work for one woman.
GL Suspirou; era traballo de máis para unha muller soa.
Fonte: CAR (2088)