modal verb
A diferenza entre must e have to radica en que o modal designa unha obriga imposta polo suxeito, unha obriga interna, mentres que have to expresa obrigas externas. EX: I must finish my work today > Debo rematar o traballo hoxe (é un deber que me propoño); You have to drive on the right > hai que conducir pola dereita (obríganme as leis nacionais). |
EN Further, there is the belief that every one during life or after must go on pilgrimage to San Andrés de Teixido.
GL Aínda máis, crese que toda persoa, en vida ou despois dela, debe ir en romaría a San Andrés de Teixido.
Fonte: GAL (136)
deber de
EN I shone my torch on him: he hadn't got a gun; he must have dropped it when my bullet hit him.
GL Enfoqueino coa lanterna: non levaba pistola, debeu de deixala caer cando lle disparei.
Fonte: TER (2401)
ter que
EN Allowing that my theory of the crime was the correct one, and I believe that it must be the correct one, then obviously the Wagon Lit conductor himself must be privy to the plot.
GL Supoñendo que a miña teoría sobre o crime sexa correcta, e eu coido que ten que ser correcta, é evidente que o revisor de Wagon Lit ten que ter parte no complot.
Fonte: ASA (6010)
haber que
EN Athy grinned and turned up the sleeves of his jacket, saying: It can't be helped; It must be done.
GL Athy fixo un aceno e arregazou as mangas da chaqueta dicindo: Non se pode evitar; Hai que facelo.
Fonte: RET (1007)
EN "Decentralization is a must," said Dr Indra Djati Sidi, director-general of primary and secondary education, adding that educational programmes devolving more authority to districts for teacher training and construction of schools had actually started two years ago.
GL "Descentralizaré unha necesidade", declara Indra Djati Sidi, director xeral de ensino primario e secundario, precisando que a delegación nos distritos dunha maior autoridade en materia de formación de mestres e de construcción de escolas se iniciara hai dous anos.
Fonte: C12 (1373)