EN He would know the sins, the sinful longings and sinful thoughts and sinful acts, of others, hearing them murmured into his ears in the confessional under the shame of a darkened chapel by the lips of women and of girls; but rendered immune mysteriously at his ordination by the imposition of hands, his soul would pass again uncontaminated to the white peace of the altar.
GL Coñecería os pecados, os desexos, os pensamentos, os actos pecaminosos dos outros, oíndo como os murmuraban no confesionario, baixo o acougo pudoroso dunha capela escura, os beizos de mulleres e de rapazas; pero, inmunizado misteriosamente na ordenación pola imposición de mans, a súa alma volvería inmaculada á branca paz do altar.
Fonte: RET (3179)