EN The change from his old sense to his new was absolute and final: what was to happen had so absolutely and finally happened that he was as little able to know a fear for his future as to know a hope; so absent in short was any question of anything still to come.
GL O cambio da súa antiga sensación a esta nova era absoluto e definitivo; o que tiña que pasar pasara tan absoluta e definitivamente que era tan incapaz de percibir un temor para o seu futuro como de albergar unha esperanza; en resumo, a posibilidade de que algo aínda puidese pasar estaba totalmente descartada.
Fonte: BES (791)
noun or adjective
EN She stood there as awkward as himself in a pair of old flannel trousers which had been patched badly in the seat.
GL Alí estaba ela, tan tímida como el, vestida cuns vellos pantalóns de flanela mal remendados polo traseiro.
Fonte: TER (1100)
EN Most are old women, who judged that the radioactivity could do them little harm at their age.
GL Na súa maioría mulleres anciás que estiman que, á súa idade, a radioactividade non pode causarlles grandes males.
Fonte: C03 (949)