EN They'll say that all their lives, she thought, and an exquisite scent of olives and oil and juice rose from the great brown dish as Marthe, with a little flourish, took the cover off.
GL Hano seguir dicindo durante toda a súa vida, pensou, e un exquisito arrecendo a olivas, aceite e prebe saíu daquela enorme cazola castaña cando Marthe, cun lixeiro aceno de ostentación, levantou o tello.
Fonte: CAR (1543)
EN He caused the apartments to be hung with innumerable silver and crystal lamps, which he filled with a fragrant oil, prepared according to a receipt discovered by him in the tombs of Egypt.
GL Fixo o sabio pendurar nos cuartos innumerables lámpadas de prata e cristal que enchía cun óleo recendente preparado conforme unha receita descuberta por el nos túmulos exipcios.
Fonte: ALH (163)
EN With their enormous gas and oil reserves the Central Asian states would be among the major players in the global power sector in the coming years.
GL Os estados de Asia Central, posuidores de enormes reservas de gas e de petróleo, poderían ser nos próximos anos actores principais do sector mundial da enerxía.
Fonte: C10 (816)
transitive verb
EN I was surprised to find it had been carefully oiled and cleaned.
GL Sorprendeume atopar que a aceitaran e limparan coidadosamente.
Fonte: TEM (1734)