What is a CLARIN K-Centre

The CLARIN Knowledge Centres (CLARIN K-Centres) are a cornerstone of CLARIN, a European digital infrastructure that provides data, tools and services to support research based on language resources. Its purpose is to make sure that the available knowledge and experience are not simply a collection of isolated pieces without connections between them, but to make them available in a systematic and organized way both to the CLARIN community and, more generally, to the research communities in the Human and Social Sciences.

Meet Clarin

What we offer

The Pronunciation Dictionary of Galician aims to offer a pronunciation model for standard Galician in formal registers. It provides the pronunciation of the lexicon included in the RAG (Galician Royal Academy) dictionary and that of over 8000 proper names (Galician first names, surnames and toponyms). The search box allows users to search by entering orthographical forms and sequences and also by entering phonetic transcriptions and sequences of phonetic symbols.

About us


IULA-UPF CLARIN Competence Centre (IULA-UPF CLARIN CC) specialises in the Analysis and Mining of Texts and in Language Technologies and Resources. The centre provides several services for researchers working with textual data, particularly in Spanish and Catalan. The Centre also has the experience of HDLab@UPF, a new research and learning environment developed by the Humanities Department of Pompeu Fabra University. The HDLab@UPF specialises in digital methods for the improvement of research in the Humanities, as well as in new approaches on digital objects and their dissemination (interactivity, multimedia, visualisation of data, reuse of digital contents, etc.).


The Innovation in Digital Humanities Lab (LINHD) is a research centre for Digital Humanities at UNED (Spanish Open University) that focuses on innovation, research, consulting and learning for researchers working in the areas of the humanities. LINHD specialises in the exploitation of text enrichment, the semantic web, databases and digital edition. It aims to maintain the standards in the digital humanities, like TEI-XML for text markup, as well as to make the projects, resources and activities developed in foreign countries, particularly in English-speaking ones, available for Spanish-speaking audiences.

IXA (UPV/EHU) (Donostia)

The IXA Group (UPV/EHU) is a multidisciplinary group that includes members from four departments of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). It specialises in the Analysis and Mining of Texts and in Language Technologies and Resources. The group provides services for researchers working with texts mainly written in Basque, but also in Spanish and English, and it specialises in the processing of Basque.

Institute for Galician Language (ILG/USC) (Santiago de Compostela)

The Institute for Galician Language (ILG/USC) is a research centre of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Since its foundation in May 1971, the Institute has developed an intense research activity in Galician linguistics and philology, as well as in the development of technological tools and applications to make the knowledge generated by its research projects available to the academic community and society at large.

What we do

You can follow the latest updates about ILG through our webpage and our social media.

Contact us


Elisa Fernández Rei


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