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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- blue-collar, blue-eyed, blue-helmeted, blueprint, blues, bluesy, bluff, bluffly, bluish, blunder, blunderer, blundering, blunt, bluntly, bluntness, blur, blurred, blurt, blush


- noun
- metedura de pata

EN Such a statement, however, supposes the ideas to be already known, and familiar --and simply to want names. In this lies the blunder.
GL Tal afirmación, sen embargo, supón que as ideas xa son coñecidas e familiares, e que simplemente queren nomes. Nisto está a metedura de pata.
- Fonte: LET (634)
- disparate

EN She might make the unfortunate blunder of taking you seriously.
GL Podería comete-lo desafortunado disparate de tomarte en serio.
- Fonte: ESP (464)
.....--- to make a blunder
- meter o zoco

EN The Doctor would have liked during the course of conversation to ask, "Is there any man in the case?" but he knew his Creole too well to make such a blunder as that.
GL Ó doutor gustaríalle preguntarlle no medio da conversa: "¿Hai algún home por medio?" , pero coñecendo tan ben aquel crioulo sería mete-lo zoco.
- Fonte: ESP (464)

- intransitive verb
- trabucarse

EN Fixing her short-sighted eyes upon her husband, who was now bearing down upon her, she gazed steadily until his closeness revealed to her (the jingle mated itself in her head) that something had happened, someone had blundered.
GL Fitando cos seus ollos miopes para o seu home, que viña agora cara a ela, mirouno fixamente ata que a súa proximidade lle revelou (o sentido da cantarela encaixáballe na mente) que acontecera algo, alguén se trabucara.
- Fonte: CAR (341)
- meter a pata

EN She did not ask him to remain, which he was grateful for, as it permitted him to stay without the discomfort of blundering through an excuse which he had no intention of considering.
GL Edna non lle pediu que quedase, e el agradeceullo, porque lle permitía estar alí sen a incomodidade de mete-la pata cunha escusa na que non tiña intención de pensar.
- Fonte: ESP (3021)
- tropezar

EN He is on the watch, and fully expecting you to blunder into it.
GL Está á espreita esperando sen dúbida a que tropeces con ela.
- Fonte: LEG (253)
- cambalear

EN Abruptly, I dashed down the match, and, knocking one of the people over in my course, went blundering across the big dining-hall again, out under the moonlight.
GL Abruptamente, tirei o misto e, empurrando a un deles fóra do meu camiño, atravesei cambaleando o gran comedor de novo, cara a fóra, á luz da lúa.
- Fonte: TEM (788)
- cometer erros

EN This was the pride that bore up Spitz and made him thrash the sled-dogs who blundered and shirked in the traces or hid away at harness-up time in the morning.
GL Era o orgullo que sostiña a Spitz e facía que castigase con dureza ós cans que cometían erros ou pretendían escudi-lo traballo polas mañás;
- Fonte: CHA (508)
- correr sen rumbo

EN The littluns screamed and blundered about, fleeing from the edge of the forest, and one of them broke the ring of biguns in his terror.
GL Os cativos berraron e correron sen rumbo, escapando do bordo da selva; un deles rompeu, aterrorizado, o círculo dos grandes.
- Fonte: SEN (4593)