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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- chalky, challenge, challenger, challenging, chamber, chambermaid, champagne, champion, championship, chance, chancel, chancellor, chandelier, change, changeable, changing, channel, chant, chanting


- noun
- probabilidade

EN Chance was against it, but luck and the gods might be for it.
GL As probabilidades eran poucas pero a sorte e os deuses podían estar con el.
- Fonte: PER (282)
- oportunidade

EN He felt that somehow this knowledge would pay the mortmain that memory levies on human beings, and he would stand a chance with Harry's girl.
GL Dalgunha maneira, pensou, este feito liberaríao do lastre que as lembranzas deixan nos homes e acaso así tería unha oportunidade con ela.
- Fonte: TER (1649)
- posibilidade

EN After all there is as much chance for me here as there was there --that is, I might find it profitable some day.
GL Despois de todo, hai as mesmas posibilidades aquí que en México. É dicir, poida que algún día logre sacarlle partido a todo esto.
- Fonte: ESP (2734)
- casualidade

EN The fire-flies, too, which sparkled most vividly in the darkest places, now and then startled him, as one of uncommon brightness would stream across his path; and if, by chance, a huge blockhead of a beetle came winging his blundering flight against him, the poor varlet was ready to give up the ghost, with the idea that he was struck with a witch's token.
GL Tamén o sobresaltaban algunha que outra vez os vagalumes, que brillaban con máis intensidade nos lugares escuros, cando un brillo pouco común atravesaba o seu camiño. E se, por casualidade, algún enorme escaravello, que ía voando torpemente, chocaba contra el, o pobre camiñante estaba listo para entrega-la súa alma, pensando que aquel golpe era o maleficio dalgunha meiga.
- Fonte: LEN (65)
- azar

EN It was a thing of the merest chance--the turn, as he afterwards felt, of a hair, though he was indeed to live to believe that if light hadn't come to him in this particular fashion it would still have come in another.
GL Foi algo que sucedeu por puro azar --por un pelo, como pensaría el máis tarde-- aínda que viviría para crer que se a iluminación non lle viñese deste xeito en particular, habíalle vir de calquera outro.
- Fonte: BES (830)
- risco

EN According to a monk, "People say that when an aircraft flies over Angkor, it must make three turns around Ta Pech; otherwise, there is a chance it may crash into the lake".
GL Un monxe afirma: "dise que cando un avión sobrevoa Angkor, debe dar tres voltas arredor de Ta Pech; se non, corre o risco de precipitarse no lago".
- Fonte: C21 (1115)
.....--- to take a chance
- arriscarse

EN Well, that's all I need to know; I'll take my chance upon the rest.
GL Ben, iso é todo o que preciso saber, arriscareime no que falta por vir.
- Fonte: FAB (50)
.....--- to have a chance
- ter a ocasión

EN If you wormed into the middle of that you would be five yards from the edge, and hidden, unless the savage chose to lie down and look for you; and even then, you would be in darkness --and if the worst happened and he saw you, then you had a chance to burst out at him, fling the whole line out of step and double back.
GL Se se arrastrase ó medio, quedaría oculto a uns cinco metros do bordo, a non ser que os salvaxes se botasen ó chan para buscalo alí; aínda así, estaría arrodeado de escuridade... e se ocorrese o peor e o visen, podía te-la ocasión de botarse ó outro, desface-la liña e volver correndo.
- Fonte: SEN (6077)

- transitive verb
.....--- to chance to + INF
- casualmente

EN In the universal decay this volatile substance had chanced to survive, perhaps through many thousands of centuries.
GL Naquela decadencia universal sobrevivira casualmente esta substancia volátil, quizais ó longo de moitos milleiros de séculos.
- Fonte: TEM (1484)