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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- chamber, chambermaid, champagne, champion, championship, chance, chancel, chancellor, chandelier, change, changeable, changing, channel, chant, chanting, chaos, chaotic, chap, chapel


- transitive or intransitive verb
- cambiar

EN That would have been his answer, presumably -- how 'you' and 'I' and 'she' pass and vanish; nothing stays; all changes; but not words, not paint.
GL A contestación que seguramente el lle daría había ser: tanto «vostede» coma «min», coma «ela», pasamos e desaparecemos; nada permanece; todo cambia; menos as palabras e a pintura.
- Fonte: CAR (2852)
- mudar

EN He saw Poirot and his face changed, darkening with anger.
GL El tamén viu a Poirot e a súa expresión mudou, escurecendo por mor da ira.
- Fonte: ASA (735)
- facer transbordo

EN I didn't want to make a fuss and stir in the neighbourhood with a police car, so we took trams --several trams-- changing here and there, and came into the district on foot.
GL Como non quería chamar a atención dos veciños cun coche patrulla, collimos o tranvía (varios tranvías), facendo transbordos acá e acolá; logo, a pé, chegamos ao lugar.
- Fonte: TER (1930)
- modificar

EN Arising out of the breakthroughs in electronics and telecommunications which constitute the first scientific revolution to change our perceptions of time and space, unlike the previous ones that dealt basically with energy and matter, globalization represents the unification of the planet for human interaction and mutual knowledge.
GL A globalización naceu dos progresos espectaculares no sector da electrónica e das telecomunicacións, primeira revolución científica que modificou a nosa percepción do tempo e do espacio, mentres que as precedentes tiveron que ver fundamentalmente coa materia e coa enerxía. Pode, xa que logo, favorece-la interacción humana e o intercambio de coñecementos.
- Fonte: C11 (95)
- transformar

EN By "dropping out", the tribes won't topple the government or change their society.
GL Ó se evadiren, os adeptos do tecno non derrubarán o goberno nin transformarán directamente a sociedade.
- Fonte: C15 (737)
- trocar

EN Despite this drawback, a number of photos have had a decisive effect on public opinion and changed the course of history.
GL Pese a ese inconveniente, cercas instantáneas provocaron unha mudanza na opinión pública e trocaron o curso da historia.
- Fonte: C31 (1301)
.....--- to change into
- converterse

EN He turned the light of a lantern on her; immediately she dropped down like a falling star, and changed into a lump of jelly.
GL O home iluminouna co candil; a criatura derrubouse ao instante "coma unha estrela fugaz", e converteuse nun bloque de xelatina.
- Fonte: CEL (174)

- noun
- cambio

EN The camarero Constantino has been there over thirty years, the porter over twenty years, facts worth noting in these dismal days of change.
GL Constantino, o camareiro, leva alí máis de trinta anos, o porteiro máis de vinte; os acontecementos nada lles importan nestes días terribles de cambio.
- Fonte: GAL (1103)
- mudanza

EN The years were not many when the Yeehats noted a change in the breed of timber wolves; for some were seen with splashes of brown on head and muzzle, and with a rift of white centring down the chest.
GL Aínda non pasaran moitos anos cando os yeehats comenzaron a advertir certa mudanza na raza dos lobos das fragas, pois decatáronse de que algúns tiñan manchas castañas na cabeza e no fuciño e unha banda de pelo branco no medio do peito.
- Fonte: CHA (1676)
- solto

EN I haven't any small change about me.
GL Non levo nada solto comigo.
- Fonte: BIL (142)
- modificación

EN Media exposure and pressure from several delegates from the National People's Congress led to a change in the law in May 1998.
GL A presión dos medios de información e de membros do Congreso Nacional do Pobo permitiu unha modificación da lei en 1998.
- Fonte: C08 (791)
- transformación

EN Nothing can ever be taken for granted when women's rights are concerned, and every victory feminists win is a fragile one because feminism, though it fits the textbook definition of a movement for social change, is not yet recognised as a political fact.
GL En materia de dereito da muller nada está asegurado e toda conquista arrebatada polas feministas é fráxil, porque o feminismo, pese a ser por antonomasia un movemento de transformación social, aínda non é recoñecido coma un feito político.
- Fonte: C24 (651)
.....--- for a change
- para variar

EN It was pretty nice to get back to my room, after I left old Spencer, because everybody was down at the game, and the heat was on in our room, for a change.
GL Foi estupendo voltar ó meu cuarto, logo de deixar ó vello Spencer, pois todo o mundo estaba alá abaixo, no partido, e a calefacción estaba prendida no dormitorio, para variar.
- Fonte: VIX (526)