EN Macalister's boy took one of the fish and cut a square out of its side to bait his hook with.
GL O rapaz de Macalister colleu un dos peixes e cortoulle un anaco do costado para poñer cebo ó anzol.
Fonte: CAR (2869)
EN Ratchett's day clothing was hanging from the hooks on the wall.
GL A roupa de Ratchett penduraba dos colgadoiros da parede.
Fonte: ASA (1464)
EN And then putting her down, I began to feel over the parapet for the climbing hooks.
GL E deixándoa no chan, comecei a apalpar sobre o parapeto, á procura dos ganchos que me habían valer para descender.
Fonte: TEM (1147)
transitive verb
EN In 1996, the first salmon caught in the river for many years was hooked just before the Iffezheim dam, near Baden-Baden.
GL En 1996, o primeiro salmón pescado desde había moitos lustros no río capturouse moi pouco antes da presa de Iffezheim, cerca de Baden-Baden.
Fonte: C24 (863)
..... to hook up
EN In the first quarter of 1999 alone, 228 new wind turbines were hooked up to the national grid.
GL No primeiro trimestre de 1999, 228 novas turbinas de vento foron conectadas á rede eléctrica.
Fonte: C02 (836)