transitive verb
PAST: let; PART: let |
EN And those people who had rushed to see them crowded back and let them pass and did not speak to them.
GL E toda aquela multitude de xente que correra a onda eles para velos recuaba e deixábaos pasar sen lles dicir nada.
Fonte: PER (1599)
EN Let me introduce you to Miss Wilbraham and the Gräfin von Meyersdorf.
GL Permita que lle presente á señorita Wilbraham e á Condesa von Meyersdorf.
Fonte: TER (1293)
EN The directory which fell into her hands was a year or more old, however, and upon reaching the number indicated, Edna discovered that the house was occupied by a respectable family of mulattoes who had chambres garnies to let.
GL A guía que lle caeu nas mans tiña máis dun ano. Cando chegou ó número indicado, Edna descubriu que a casa estaba ocupada por unha respectable familia de mulatos que alugaban chambres garnies.
Fonte: ESP (1598)
..... to let in
deixar entrar
EN 'In the first place, I wouldn't let you in my goddam family,' I said.
GL En primeiro lugar, non che deixaría entrar na miña condenada familia...
Fonte: VIX (802)
..... to let down
EN It made him shivery: but that was because you always felt like a shiver when you let down your trousers.
GL Estremecíase: pero iso era porque un sempre sentía un arrepío ao baixarse os pantalóns.
Fonte: RET (1018)
..... to let out
deixar fuxir
EN Piggy let out his breath with a gasp, reached for it again and failed.
GL O Piggy deixou fuxi-lo alento nunha arfada; logo quixo collelo outra vez pero non puido.
Fonte: SEN (3002)
..... let's
EN 'Let's find another picture to cut out,' she said.
GL Vamos buscar outro debuxo para recortar --díxolle.
Fonte: CAR (336)