intransitive verb
EN She had in mind at the moment, rich and poor, high and low; the great in birth receiving from her, half grudging, some respect, for had she not in her veins the blood of that very noble, if slightly mythical, Italian house, whose daughters, scattered about English drawing-rooms in the nineteenth century, had lisped so charmingly, had stormed so wildly, and all her wit and her bearing and her temper came from them, and not from the sluggish English, or the cold Scotch.
GL Naquel momento tiña no maxín a ricos e pobres, distinguidos e modestos; os que procedían dun berce ilustre recibían unha certa consideración, mesmo sen ela o querer, pois non en balde corría polas súas veas sangue dunha casa italiana moi nobre e lixeiramente mítica, das fillas da cal, esparexidas polos salóns ingleses decimonónicos ceceando con tanto engado e apaixonándose con ardor, herdou ela o seu enxeño, o seu porte e o seu carácter, e non dos ingleses pousafoles ou dos fríos escoceses.
Fonte: CAR (65)