EN He observed his hostess attentively from under his shaggy brows, and noted a subtle change which had transformed her from the listless woman he had known into a being who, for the moment, seemed palpitant with the forces of life.
GL O doutor mantívose neutral, observando á anfitriona cunha mirada atenta que as súas hirsutas cellas protexían. Estaba apreciando un cambio sutil nela, algo que transformara aquela muller apática que el coñecía nun ser que naqueles intres semellaba palpitar coa forza da vida.
Fonte: ESP (1940)
impasible, · impasíbel
EN Did that explain his friend's listless silence, his harsh comments, the sudden intrusions of rude speech with which he had shattered so often Stephen's ardent wayward confessions?
GL ¿Explicaba iso o mutismo impasible do seu amigo, os seus rudos comentos, as súbitas exclamacións de grosería contra as que batían tan a miúdo as ardentes e voluntariosas confesións de Stephen?
Fonte: RET (4654)