EN The young man, at least, thought his manner of looking an offence to Miss Miller; it conveyed an imputation that she 'picked up' acquaintances.
GL O mozo polo menos pensou que este xeito de mirar era unha ofensa para Miss Miller. Transmitía unha imputación de que ela se dedicaba a "atrapar" coñecidos.
Fonte: DAI (295)
EN If you are not, then you have certainly been deceiving us all in a very inexcusable manner.
GL Se non o é, entón vostede estívonos enganando a todos nós dunha maneira inescusable.
Fonte: ERN (860)
EN Stephen smiled at the manner of this confidence and, when Moynihan had passed, turned again to meet Cranly's eyes.
GL Stephen sorriu diante da forma de semellante confidencia e, unha vez que Moynihan tivera pasado, virouse de novo ao encontro dos ollos de Cranly.
Fonte: RET (3800)
EN Edna took him in her arms, and seating herself in the rocker, began to coddle and caress him, calling him all manner of tender names, soothing him to sleep.
GL Edna colleuno nos brazos, e, sentando no mexedor, fíxolle carantoñas e caricias, dicíndolle toda clase de tenruras e agarimándoo para que adormecese.
Fonte: ESP (1068)
EN This over, he came out of his angle and the pack crowded around him, sniffing in half-friendly, half-savage manner.
GL Despois saíu da súa defensa e os lobos rodeárono, uliscándoo dun modo entre amistoso e salvaxe.
Fonte: CHA (1671)
EN And that reduced their relationship to something neutral, without that element of sex in it which made his manner to Minta so gallant, almost gay.
GL E iso reducía as súas relacións a algo neutro, sen aquel ingrediente sexual que había na actitude tan galante, case xovial, que mantiña con Minta.
Fonte: CAR (2671)