EN The physician shall explain to the married couple and give them medical advice for a termination of pregnancy if one of the following cases is detected in the prenatal diagnosis: (i) the foetus is suffering from genetic disease of a serious nature; (ii) the foetus is with defect of a serious nature; and (iii) continued pregnancy may threaten the life and safety of the pregnant woman or seriously impair her health.
GL O médico dará a unha parella casada explicacións e asistencia médica para a interrupción do embarazo sempre que mediante o exame prenatal diagnostique: que o feto padece unha enfermidade xenética grave; que o feto presenta un defecto serio; que a prosecución do embarazo pode ameaza-la vida e a seguridade da nai ou afectar gravemente a saúde desta.
Fonte: C18 (491)