transitive verb
EN When Thornton's partners Hans and Pete, arrived on the long-expected raft, Buck refused to notice them till he learned they were close to Thornton; after that he tolerated them in a passive sort of way, accepting favours from them as though he favoured them by accepting.
GL Cando Hans e Pete, os socios de Thornton, regresaron coa tan esperada balsa, Buck non lles prestou atención ata que soubo que eran os compañeiros do seu dono, e foi entonces cando empezou a atura-los seus aloumiños, porgue dalgún xeito era como se viñesen do propio Thornton.
Fonte: CHA (1229)
EN People are willing to tolerate intrusion so long as it doesn't hinder their attempts to make money, according to the legislator.
GL A xente está disposta a tolerar intromisións na súa vida privada, afirma, se iso non lles impide gañar diñeiro.
Fonte: C07 (461)