EN Rubbing the glass of the long looking-glass and leering sideways at her swinging figure a sound issued from her lips --something that had been gay twenty years before on the stage perhaps, had been hummed and danced to, but now, coming from the toothless, bonneted, caretaking woman, was robbed of meaning, was like the voice of witlessness, humour, persistency itself, trodden down but springing up again, so that as she lurched, dusting, wiping, she seemed to say how it was one long sorrow and trouble, how it was getting up and going to bed again, and bringing things out and putting them away again.
GL Ó frega-lo cristal do espello alongado e mirar de esguello a súa figura oscilante, saíulle un son dos beizos: algo que se cadra fora ledo había vinte anos nos escenarios, algo que cantaruxaran e bailaran, pero que agora, vindo da fregona desdentada e con bonete, perdía significado, era coma a voz da necidade, do humor, da persistencia mesma, esmagada pero que xurdía outra vez, polo que mentres ía limpando e fregando a bandazos semellaba dicir que todo se reducía a unha mágoa e tristeza constante, a erguerse e a volverse deitar, a saca-las cousas e a poñelas no seu sitio outra vez.
Fonte: CAR (2001)