Galician place lore portal
The Galician place lore portal (Portal de ditados tópicos galegos) project aims to collect a digital corpus of gentilics (demonyms), pseudogentilics (colourful epithets assigned to natives of a particular place), nicknames for a given place and sayings and rhymes about a given Galician locality or its inhabitants, all of which are covered by the Galician term ditados tópicos. Some examples are:
- Picheleiros (“jug makers/sellers”, referring to the inhabitants of Santiago de Compostela)
- Terra da Chispa (“land of sparks”, to designate the province of Ourense)
- Catasós, catorce veciños e quince ladrós “Catasós (the name of a hamlet): fourteen inhabitants, fifteen thieves”
The first phase was carried out with support from the Fundación Camilo José Cela. In this phase the information collected in Galicia on 1,212 index cards by a number of postmen was published as part of the Diccionario geográfico popular de España. A variety of additional material was also presented, including the correspondence between the author C.J. Cela and the postmen who contributed the information, contemporary reports about particular places, and so on.
The second phase brought together material from a variety of sources or obtained in fieldwork undertaken by the project team or others who sent in information.