Entre o 27 e o 29 de maio celebrouse na Universidade de Leipzig (Alemaña) a oitava edición do congreso internacional ICLaVe (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe).
Neste encontro participou o seguinte persoal investigador do ILG:
Eduardo Louredo Rodríguez: "A study of Galician-Castilian contact based on the verb morphology of dialects of the Ribeiro district"
Irene Santos Raña / Soraya Suárez Quintas: "Perceptions on dialectal variation: A study on both sides of the Galician and Portuguese border"
Soraya Suárez Quintas: "Mapping perceptions and attitudes about Galician dialects" [Póster]
Xulio Sousa: "Aggregate analysis of lexical variation in Galician dialects"