Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Extracción terminolóxica

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Este synset non ten categoría gramatical nominal. Aconséllase iniciar a exploración desde un synset que represente un ámbito terminolóxico.
- 00875246-n estimate, estimation | estimación | a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody { [2] act }
- 05789432-n judgement, judging, judgment | | the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions  { [4] cognition }
- 05803379-n approximation, estimate, estimation, idea | estimación | an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth { [3] cerebration }
- 06528783-n appraisal, estimate, estimation | avaliación | a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)  { [2] document }
- 06782680-n conjecture, guess, hypothesis, speculation, supposition, surmisal, surmise | conxectura, especulación, suposición | a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence  { [2] content }
- 06783598-n estimate | | a statement indicating the likely cost of some job { [1] statement }
- 10066732-n evaluator, judge | | an authority who is able to estimate worth or quality  { [2] expert }
- 10150794-n guesser | | a person who guesses  { [1] human }

1. Límite de distancia (nivel máximo de exploración de cada relación):

+ Configuración avanzada
4 synsets, 1 deles (25 %) con 2 variantes en galego
[0]  00673448-v  | eng:   place, put, set  | glg:   { [3] human  [3] statement }
[+1]   1   has_hyperonym   00672433-v  |  eng:  approximate, estimate, gauge, guess, judge  | glg: calcular, estimar   { [2] human  [2] statement } [+2]   1   see_also_wn15   00672017-v  |  eng:  overestimate, overrate    { [4] document } [+2]   2   see_also_wn15   00673766-v  |  eng:  lowball, underestimate    { [5] cerebration }

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Seminario de Lingüística Informática - Grupo TALG, Universidade de Vigo, 2019
Deseño e programación: Xavier Gómez Guinovart & Miguel Solla
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