Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Extracción terminolóxica

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Este synset non ten categoría gramatical nominal. Aconséllase iniciar a exploración desde un synset que represente un ámbito terminolóxico.
- 00261604-n beautification | | the act of making something more beautiful  { [1] change_of_state }
- 00262249-n decoration | decoración | the act of decorating something (in the hope of making it more attractive)  { [1] change_of_state }
- 00262596-n adornment | | the action of decorating yourself with something colorful and interesting  { [2] change_of_state }
- 00262743-n embellishment, ornamentation | | the act of adding extraneous decorations to something  { [2] change_of_state }
- 03169390-n decoration, ornament, ornamentation | adorno, decoración, ornamento | something used to beautify  { [1] artefact }
- 03579355-n decor, interior_decoration | decoración | decoration consisting of the layout and furnishings of a livable interior  { [1] decoration }
- 04683814-n beauty | beleza | the qualities that give pleasure to the senses  { [1] appearance }
- 05003590-n grace, gracility | aire, donaire, garbo, graza, sal | elegance and beauty of movement or expression { [4] property }
- 09998907-n decorator, ornamentalist | | someone who decorates  { [1] artist }

1. Límite de distancia (nivel máximo de exploración de cada relación):

+ Configuración avanzada
2 synsets, 1 deles (50 %) con 1 variantes en galego
[0]  01677858-v  | eng:   prank  | glg:   { [2] decoration }
[+1]   1   has_hyperonym   01675963-v  |  eng:  adorn, beautify, decorate, embellish, grace, ornament  | glg: adornar   { [1] decoration }

Verificación dos termos nun corpus etiquetado semanticamente (UKB)
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Seminario de Lingüística Informática - Grupo TALG, Universidade de Vigo, 2019
Deseño e programación: Xavier Gómez Guinovart & Miguel Solla
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