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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- baseless, baseline, basement, bash, bashful, basic, basically, basil, basilica, basin, basinette, basis, basket, basketball, Basque, bass, bastard, Bastille, bastion


- noun
- almofía

EN She bathed her face, her neck and arms in the basin that stood between the windows.
GL Lavou a cara, o pescozo e mailos brazos na almofía situada entre as fiestras.
- Fonte: ESP (983)
- cunca

EN And indeed it was only by waiting patiently, and hearing that there was an old woman in the kitchen with very red cheeks, drinking soup out of a basin, that Mrs Ramsay at last prompted that parrot-like instinct which had picked up Mildred's words quite accurately and could now produce them, if one waited, in a colourless singsong.
GL E, en efecto, só despois dunha espera paciente, e despois de escoitar que na cociña había unha vella coas meixelas encarnadas bebendo unha cunca de caldo, puido ó cabo a señora Ramsay suscitarlle aquel instinto de loro co que recollera as palabras de Mildred con fidelidade abonda e agora era quen de reproducilas, se un sabía agardar, nunha ladaíña esvaída.
- Fonte: CAR (709)
- palangana

EN When the enamelled basin had been fitted into the well of the sink and the old washing glove flung on the side of it he allowed his mother to scrub his neck and root into the folds of his ears and into the interstices at the wings of his nose.
GL Unha vez que puxeran a esmaltada palangana no oco do vertedeiro, cun vello guante de lavar á súa beira, Stephen permitiu que a súa nai lle refregase o pescozo, escarvándolle nos repregos das orellas e nos intersticios dos buracos do nariz.
- Fonte: RET (3444)
- pía

EN He could hear Ratchett moving about next door -- a click as he pulled down the washbasin, the sound of the tap running, a splashing noise, then another click as the basin shut to again.
GL Sentiu que Ratchett se movía no compartimento do lado: un pequeno clic cando abriu a pía encartable do lavabo, o son da auga cando abriu a billa, o batuxar na auga e outro clic ó pecha-la pía.
- Fonte: ASA (791)
- conca

- Variante menos formal de cunca. Porén, está permitido o seu uso.

EN In Antiquity, Pliny the Elder wrote that Greek gourmets travelled around the Mediterranean basin to sample the freshest products at their prime, rather than have them shipped to Greece.
GL Na antigüidade, conta Plinio o Vello, os gastrónomos gregos percorrían a conca do Mediterráneo para degustar en cada lugar os productos máis frescos na época en que eran mellores, no canto de encargalos.
- Fonte: C26 (1361)
- bacía

EN The immigrants hail from an increasing number and variety of places, including the Mediterranean basin, China and the Indian sub-continent.
GL Os países de orixe deses inmigrantes aumentaron: da bacía do Mediterráneo a China, pasando polo subcontinente indio.
- Fonte: C13 (340)
- depresión

EN As a result, the basin, which was once a desert, has turned into a huge and useless lake that is 200 kilometres long and 30 km wide, and which contains 16 km3 of water that would otherwise have flowed into the Aral Sea, where it is badly needed.
GL Por conseguinte, nesa depresión, alí onde só había un deserto, fórmase un lago totalmente inútil de 200 km de longo por 30 de largo, que contén 16 km3 de auga que debería ter chegado ó Mar de Aral, que tanto a necesita.
- Fonte: C28 (407)