EN Why should Herr Koch cut his own throat in the basement?
GL ¿Por que Koch ía querer degolarse no sotarrego?
Fonte: TER (1215)
EN His new home is Ciudad Bolívar's Youth Leadership School, a rather pompously named association which was created by and for needy young people and which operates from the basement of a four-storey building.
GL O seu novo fogar é a Escuela de Liderato Juvenil de Ciudad Bolívar, nome pomposo para unha asociación espontánea de novos humildes para novos humildes, que funciona nos baixos dunha casa de catro pisos.
Fonte: C10 (168)
EN The treasure had been purchased by the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET), then hidden in steel safes in the museum's basement.
GL O tesouro fora adquirido polo Museo Metropolitano de Nova York (Met), que o agochaba nun dos seus sotos.
Fonte: C26 (648)