transitive verb
PAST: bound. PART: bound |
EN No angel or archangel in heaven, no saint, not even the Blessed Virgin herself, has the power of a priest of God: the power of the keys, the power to bind and to loose from sin, the power of exorcism, the power to cast out from the creatures of God the evil spirits that have power over them; the power, the authority, to make the great God of Heaven come down upon the altar and take the form of bread and wine.
GL Ningún anxo ou arcanxo no ceo, ningún santo, nin sequera a mesmiña Virxe María, teñen o poder dun ministro de Deus: o poder das chaves, o poder de atar e desatar pecados, o poder do exorcismo, o poder de expulsar das criaturas de Deus os espíritos malignos que se teñen apoderado delas; o poder, de facer que o gran Deus do Ceo baixe ao altar e tome a forma do pan e máis do viño.
Fonte: RET (3163)
EN The moments glided on, while a feeling of good fellowship passed around the circle like a mystic cord, holding and binding these people together with jest and laughter.
GL O tempo pasaba, mentres un sentimento de boa camaradería atravesaba o círculo coma unha misteriosa corda, mantendo unidas e enlazando aquelas persoas con bromas e risas.
Fonte: ESP (2493)
EN So frightful was the situation (...) that he could endure it no longer, and with a great effort to break some malign spell that bound his faculties to silence and inaction, he shouted with the full strength of his lungs!
GL Tan arrepiante era a situación (...) que xa non puido soportala máis e, cun grande esforzo para romper algún meigallo maligno que estaba a cinguir as súas facultades ao silencio e á inactividade...berrou con todas as forzas dos seus pulmóns!
Fonte: HAL (42)
EN The young man answered that he felt bound to accompany Miss Miller; whereupon Mrs Walker declared that if he refused her this favour she would never speak to him again.
GL O mozo respondeu que se sentía obrigado a acompañar a Miss Miller; ante tal resposta Mrs Walker declarou que se lle negaba este favor nunca máis lle volvería falar.
Fonte: DAI (1015)
EN She had been mine in youth, she was mine in age, and at last, when I heaped the sod over her corpse, I wept to feel that I had lost all that really bound me to humanity.
GL Foi a miña compaña na xuventude e foino tamén na vellez e, ó final, cando soterrei o seu corpo, chorei desconsolado pola perda do único que realmente me unía a este mundo.
Fonte: MOR (228)