Pl: cameramen; Fem: camerawoman |
EN In January, a high school teacher was arrested for filming his students changing in the locker room, and a cameraman from the national NHK television network filmed people at home without their knowing it.
GL A principios de xaneiro, un profesor de secundaria foi detido por filma-las súas alumnas mentres se mudaban nos vestiarios, en tanto que un camarógrafo da cadea nacional NHK filmaba nas súas casas a persoas que ignoraban tal intrusión.
Fonte: C07 (180)
EN The Chinese protester, on the other hand, was photographed in virtually identical shots taken by three photographers working for three leading agencies (Associated Press, Magnum and Sipa-Presse) as well as by a cameraman from Britain's Independent Television News (ITN).
GL En troques, a imaxe do opositor chinés foi captada de xeito case idéntico por tres fotógrafos de tres grandes axencias (Associated Press, Magnum e SipaPresse), ademais dunha cámara da canle de televisión británica independente ITN.
Fonte: C31 (1274)